"Something opens our wings. Something makes boredom and hurt disappear. Someone fills the cup in front of us: We taste only sacredness. " ~ Rumi

Monday, June 21, 2010

You are so Beautiful

Today I want to tell you about Averi's sister Allison.....my other granddaughter, who is also EXCEPTIONALLY smart/funny/creative/talented & compassionate! Allison is a sweetheart. Ever since she was very little she has always shown kindness to others. I remember how she used to put her little hands up to hold someone's face as if to say "I care deeply about you and just want you to know that I SEE you & UNDERSTAND you and I am here for you if you ever need me". She is a loyal & supportive friend.

Allison has always been "an artist". She draws, paints & writes stories. She plays the piano beautifully and has a real love & talent for music. She composes her own music & lyrics.....and can this girl DANCE!!!!! I attended her school's year end performance recently and was AMAZED at her skilled dance moves. She sings beautifully also ~ filling her voice with much emotion & passion.

The play/musical that she & her fellow students wrote, starred in & produced was so FABULOUS! It was the story of a girl whose dream it was to dance. Her father advised her to be more PRACTICAL and to study for a job that would earn her more MONEY and that she should abandon her DREAMS. In the end, she followed her dreams...her father picked up HIS dream (piano) again...and he was PROUD of her & HAPPY & FULFILLED for himself too.

Remember dearest girl to "Follow your Bliss"....."Do what you LOVE".....and may all your DREAMS COME TRUE!!!

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