"Something opens our wings. Something makes boredom and hurt disappear. Someone fills the cup in front of us: We taste only sacredness. " ~ Rumi

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Everything I Ever Needed to Know I learned in Kindergarten

Last week I went to North Carolina to visit my children & grandchildren. YAY!!!!!!! While I was there, my granddaughter Averi graduated from kindergarten. What a FABULOUS ceremony it was! Her teacher Ms. Jackson, who is ADORABLE by the way, was so sweet & loving and praised them for all of their hard work and accomplishments. Averi actually won the MATH AWARD! This girl can COUNT.....I'm pretty sure she made it to 1000 while I was there. She is also doing addition & subtraction and can read & write.

When I was in kindergarten, I don't remember doing all this so early. Seems to me we spent the day in "play centers" and donned a smock for "art time" where we could draw & paint. I remember the snacks & "naptime"......but reading & writing???.....seems like that came along in 1st or 2nd grade. I also remember one kid who brought an "offering" because he thought it was like Sunday School ~ DUFUS.

Anyway... Averi, being my grandchild, is EXCEPTIONALLY smart/funny/creative/talented and compassionate. I believe she is a wise "old soul" living in a 6 year old's body. She is PASSIONATE about saving the planet and recycling. As she puts it "Save the Earth....it is the only planet with CHOCOLATE"! While I was there we talked about the BP oil leak in the Gulf.....she took action....more about this on a future post. 

So, congratulations Averi on your graduation from kindergarten. I will always remember your class & their FABULOUS dance/chorus line
to the tune of "New York, New York"...

"Start spreading the news,
We're leaving today.
We're going to be a part of it
1st grade, 1st grade..."

and always remember.....
Be nice, play fair and
share with others!!!

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