"Something opens our wings. Something makes boredom and hurt disappear. Someone fills the cup in front of us: We taste only sacredness. " ~ Rumi

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Here Kitty Kitty

Darling Husband and I are adopting a kitty cat from our local animal shelter.  Her name is "Pearl".

She is so beautiful & sweet & cuddly. She is the calmest, most relaxed & "peaceful" cat I have ever met.....just what we need. She needs us too...I can feel it. We played with her for over an hour yesterday at the shelter. She can't come home with us until after her "surgery" which is scheduled for Oct. 1st. We are busy "thinking like a cat" and putting away anything that might harm her. We have her carrier, litter box, food dishes & a toy all ready. I made a cute bed with a blanket in a shallow vintage dresser drawer!

Look at her DREAMY eyes!!! Isn't she precious?!?
There are lots of ways to help the kitties & doggies at the shelter. Volunteer your time to walk the dogs or play with the kitties. Donate some much needed supplies ~ a "wish list" is posted on the website.


(Photos courtesy of Bonnie Zastrow.)

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