"Something opens our wings. Something makes boredom and hurt disappear. Someone fills the cup in front of us: We taste only sacredness. " ~ Rumi

Saturday, June 25, 2011

What's Bottled Up Inside?

Femme Fatale Altered Art Bottles

 What's Bottled Up Inside?

What negative emotions are robbing you of your CREATIVITY & JOY?!? Inferiority/Inadequacy? Depression/Negativity? Anxiety/Fear? Shame/Regret? All of the above? Here is your chance to journal your thoughts ~ to get rid of those negative emotions ~ to break free & restore your CREATIVITY & JOY!

4 "altered" bottles hold 3 sheets paper each. Each bottle has a different "femme fatale" & theme. Write your thoughts about each theme & place the pages back into the bottle ~ seal those negative thoughts away & move on!

B+ = Be Positive! Work through your fears ~ spread your wings ~ and FLY!!!!!

Femme Fatale Altered Art Bottles come in a darling little decorated carrying case.



  1. what an incredibly great idea/tool for working through those problem times & moving on! i love it!

  2. Thank you for your kind comments! The bottles may be purchased in my Etsy shop:

