"Something opens our wings. Something makes boredom and hurt disappear. Someone fills the cup in front of us: We taste only sacredness. " ~ Rumi

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Japanese Street Fashion ~ Harajuku/Fairy Kei/ Decora/Lolita Style

 Harajuku Fashion Walk #10

Fashion that is FUN.....what a concept!!!
Alternative fashion has always intrigued me. Personally, my fashion sense is complicated - on the inside I am creative, colorful, bold & rebellious in my fashion choices, on the outside....well, my wardrobe is so B-O-R-I-N-G!

My excuse is that I am a "big girl" & there is just NOTHING out there that is FUN for girls like me. HA! That is so funny...I still feel like a GIRL & I am 60 years old. Still time for plenty of FUN I say!!!

I keep thinking that I am going to design some fun clothes for us "big girls".....what am I waiting for? Time to get busy & just DO IT!

OK...this week I am pulling out my sewing machine. I will be back later to show you my first attempt at FUN fashion...

Kumamiki's "Party Baby" 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

O Captain My Captain

 Blessings to you & your family "O Captain My Captain". You have taught me to:

* BE MYSELF ~ DO NOT conform to what others want (or expect) me to be.
I am UNIQUE in this world & have been individually called for a specific purpose. I have been given specific talents to fulfill my destiny.

* Carpe Diem ~ seize the day!!! Make every minute count. Share with others ~ physically, emotionally, spiritually ~ with compassion, understanding & unconditional love. Bring JOY & BEAUTY into the world.

* Words & ideas are important. Speak thoughtfully, with kindness. Have an open mind. Have a passion for life long learning.

* Question authority. Think for myself.

* Follow my BLISS. Find my passion & make it my "life's work".

* Make my life extraordinary.
What will YOUR verse be?