"Something opens our wings. Something makes boredom and hurt disappear. Someone fills the cup in front of us: We taste only sacredness. " ~ Rumi

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Knit Unto Others


"Knit Unto Others" Prayer Shawl Ministry Group

Here is my Mom surrounded by her beautiful friends. These ladies meet every Monday at the Kailua Ben Franklin store to knit prayer shawls for people who are ill or need comforting. For the past several years, these ladies have hand knit beautiful shawls of all colors and patterns. Love and prayer is put into every stitch. 

When a shawl is finished, the group prays over it and lovingly folds & prepares it for gift giving to those in need. A special tag is attached:

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kailua Town

I am soon on my way to Kailua Town to see my parents.


My Mom is very ill ~ please remember her in your prayers. 

Mom & Dad moved to Hawaii almost 38 years ago. Where has the time gone?!? Kailua is such a lovely town, located on the windward side of Oahu. I can see why they love it there ~ friendly people, lots of goodwill, a real sense of community and breathtaking scenery! A day at Kailua beach is pure heaven! 

I am always touched by the beautiful "Aloha Spirit" ~ affection, love, peace, compassion & mercy ~ shown by the Hawaiian people. Oh that we would all learn to treat each other this way!